Bedlington Terrier
Apartment Friendly
Breed Snapshot
- Weight: 7-10kg
- Height: 38-43cm
- Breed size: Small
- Life expectancy: 12-16 years
- Breed group: Terrier
- Shed level: Low/Non Shedding
Looking a lot like a little lamb, the Bedlington Terrier has a thick double coat with a combination of hard and soft hair that stands out from the skin. The coat can come in a range of colours and tan markings may appear at different intervals over the body and head.
The Bedlington Terrier makes a good family dog thanks to its playfulness, cheerfulness and friendliness, although they can be territorial at times.
It likes kids and is mostly friendly to strangers but can become stubborn if its owner doesn't have enough control over it.
It runs very quickly and can become bored without enough mental and physical stimulation.
Health Problems
This breed is prone to an inherited liver problem known as Copper Storage Disease, kidney disease, PRA, thyroid problems and eye problems such as cataracts and retinal disease.
This breed is known for their high energy levels and love of physical activity. It's recommended that Bedlington Terriers get 30 to 60 minutes of exercise a day. If they're outside, keep them on a leash or in a secure area because Bedlington Terriers have a strong prey drive.
This breed needs specialised clipping every six weeks so it's best you learn how to do it yourself. They shed little to no hair so is considered hypoallergenic making them good for people who have allergies.
Living Environment
Apartment living is sufficient as long as it gets enough exercise.
Did you know
This dog was traditionally used as a vermin hunter by the miners in England.