English Bulldog
Apartment Friendly
Kid Friendly
Low Barking
Breed Snapshot:
- Weight: 18-23 kg
- Height: 31-40 cm
- Breed size: Medium
- Lifespan: 8-10 years
- Dog Breed Group: Non-Sporting
- Coat Type: Short Hair
A wide small to medium-sized dog with short legs, the English Bulldog has massive square jaws with hanging upper lips, teeth with an under bite, and a short flat glossy coat.
Despite a fairly intimidating appearance, the English Bulldog has one of the most gentlest personalities. In saying that, it will happily defend its home from intruders. It's very affectionate, gentle with children and seek out human attention. It snores very loudly, likes to slobber all over the place and is a messy eater. It is a great guard dog.
Health problems
A Bulldog is often prone to breathing problems, poor eyesight, heatstroke, mast cell tumours and skin infections. It also doesn't like the cold.
Take a Bulldog on a daily walk.
Simply brush the coast regularly. This breed is an average shedder.
Living conditions
This breed is an indoor dog, and is suited for apartment life. It doesn't do much inside and doesn't need a yard either. A Bulldog prefers a middle-of-the-range climate because it doesn't like the cold and has trouble keeping cool in hot weather.
A Bulldog is called so because it used to be used in bull baiting - and it looks like a little bull.