Golden Retriever
Kid Friendly
Cat Friendly
Breed Snapshot:
- Weight: 25-32 kgs
- Height: 51-61 cms
- Breed Size: Medium
- Lifespan: 10-12 years
- Dog Breed Group: Sporting
- Shed Level: Moderate
- Coat Type: Medium to long, water-repellent double coat
The Golden Retriever is a dog breed that originated in Scotland in the mid 19th century where they were originally bred as hunting dogs. This breed is now well-suited to families and is known for being a devoted and gentle companion. Golden Retrievers are also highly adaptable and can thrive in various living environments, including small spaces, provided they get enough exercise.
Golden Retrievers are known for their friendliness, and very loyal temperament and can come across as ‘clingy’. They are excellent with children, and fine to be around other animals, making them a family friendly dog. They are full of energy and require daily exercise to stay healthy and happy.
Living Environment
Golden Retrievers are very adaptable. They can live in both small and large living spaces, as long as they get their daily dose of exercise. Due to their double coat however, they do struggle with warmer climates.
When it comes to exercise, Golden Retrievers are high-energy dogs that require daily exercise and mental stimulation. They love to play and are excellent swimmers, so taking them for walks or playing fetch are great ways to keep them happy and healthy.

To maintain their beautiful coats, Golden Retrievers require regular grooming, including brushing, bathing, and trimming.
Health Considerations
They are also prone to certain health problems, such as hip and elbow dysplasia, cancer, and heart disease, so it's important to keep up with regular vet check-ups
Golden Retrievers FAQs
How much does a Golden Retriever shed?
Golden retrievers shed a decent amount, depending on what time of year it is. They shed a moderate amount throughout the entire year, so it's handy keeping lint rollers around the house and the car, however they also tend to shed heavily twice a year
Do Golden Retrievers bark a lot?
Golden Retrievers are known to bark occasionally, but they are not considered to be excessive barkers. As with any breed, there can be individual differences in personality and behavior, so it's possible to come across a Golden Retriever that barks more than average. However, in general, Golden Retrievers are friendly, social dogs that are not prone to excessive barking. Proper training and socialisation can also help minimize any barking behavior.
Are Golden Retrievers lazy or active?
Golden Retrievers are generally known to be an active and energetic breed. They were originally bred as hunting dogs and have a natural instinct to retrieve and play. While they can also be laid-back and enjoy relaxing with their owners, they generally have a lot of energy and enjoy being active.
Did you know...
...Golden Retrievers were one of the first breeds to be used for animal-assisted therapy, and they continue to be a popular choice for this type of work today