Italian Greyhound
Kid Friendly
Low Maintenance
Apartment Friendly
Suited For Hot Weather
Breed Snapshot:
Weight: 3.6 - 4.5 kg
Height: 33 to 38 cm
Breed size: small-sized
Lifespan: 14 to 15 years
Dog Breed Group: sight hound
The Italian Greyhound, often referred to as the "I.G.," is an ancient breed that dates back to the Roman Empire. These elegant dogs were beloved by nobles and royalty, often seen lounging on silk pillows in luxurious palaces. Despite their regal heritage, Italian Greyhounds are more than just a pretty face. They are intelligent, curious, and playful animals, with a mischievous streak that will keep you entertained for hours. Furthermore, the Italian Greyhound puppy is undeniably adorable, with a delicate frame and large, expressive eyes that will steal your heart in an instant. And don't worry - they stay cute as adults, too!
The Italian Greyhound's coat is sleek, fine, and short, coming in a variety of colors such as blue, gray, fawn, and cream. These coats require minimal grooming, making the breed a low-maintenance choice for busy families. In terms of temperament, Italian Greyhounds are known for being affectionate and sensitive animals that thrive on human companionship. They are also highly energetic and require plenty of exercise to keep them in tip-top shape.
Living Environment
While Italian Greyhounds are small in size, they are big on energy, which makes them well-suited for families that lead an active lifestyle. They can adapt to both city and country living, but make sure you have a secure, fenced yard to keep them safe when playing outdoors. It's also worth noting that Italian Greyhounds can be sensitive to cold weather, so you may want to invest in a cozy sweater or two for those chilly days.
As previously mentioned, Italian Greyhounds are an energetic breed that requires daily exercise to maintain their health and happiness. A couple of brisk walks a day should suffice, but they are also happy to run and play in a safe, enclosed space.It's worth noting that Italian Greyhounds are also excellent at agility training, so you may want to consider this as an option for providing additional physical and mental stimulation.
Italian Greyhounds have a short, fine coat that requires minimal grooming. A quick brush once a week will suffice, and they only need to be bathed when necessary. In terms of health problems, Italian Greyhounds are generally healthy and have few genetic issues. However, they can be prone to dental problems, so be sure to brush their teeth regularly.

Health Problems
The Italian Greyhounds are prone to certain health concerns. Here are some of the common health issues that Italian Greyhounds may face:
- Dental problems: Italian Greyhounds are susceptible to periodontal disease, which can cause tooth loss and other oral health issues.
- Eye problems: This breed is prone to eye diseases such as cataracts, glaucoma, and retinal atrophy.
- Joint problems: Italian Greyhounds can suffer from joint problems, such as hip dysplasia, patellar luxation, and Legg-Calve-Perthes disease.
- Skin allergies: Italian Greyhounds may develop allergies, which can cause skin irritation, itching, and hair loss.
- Hypothyroidism: This breed is also prone to hypothyroidism, a condition in which the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormones, which can cause weight gain, lethargy, and other health problems.
It is important to maintain regular veterinary checkups and to keep up with preventive care, such as dental cleanings and flea and tick prevention, to help keep your Italian Greyhound healthy.
Italian Greyhound FAQs
How to train an Italian Greyhound?
Training an Italian Greyhound requires patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement. Some simple ways to train your Italian Greyhound is to start with simple commands like sit, stay, come, and heel. Use treats as positive reinforcement when your dog obeys the commands.
How much exercise does an Italian Greyhound need?
As a general rule, Italian Greyhounds need at least 30 minutes of exercise per day, but they will happily go longer if they can!
Did you know…
A fun fact about Italian Greyhounds is that they are one of the oldest dog breeds in existence, with a history dating back over 2,000 years to ancient Egypt and Rome. They were highly prized by royalty and aristocracy throughout history, and have been depicted in art and literature for centuries. Italian Greyhounds were also popular among Renaissance artists, with many paintings featuring the breed alongside their human subjects. Despite their small size, Italian Greyhounds are known for their grace, speed, and athleticism, and have competed in various dog sports and events throughout the years.