Tibetan Terrier
Kid Friendly
High Energy
Apartment Friendly
For Experienced Owners
Breed Snapshot
- Weight: 12–20 kilograms
- Height: 46–56 centimeters
- Breed size: Medium
- Lifespan: 12–15 years
- Dog breed group: Working/Herding dog
- Shedding level: Average to high
The Tibetan Terrier is a medium-sized dog with V-shaped pendant ears that hang beside the head, a well-feathered tail that curls over the back, and a double-coat with a soft woolly undercoat and long straight fine outer coat that comes in all colours and patterns.
A smart, loving, gentle dog, the Tibetan Terrier has a bark that's like a deep rising siren. It will make a good watchdog but Tibetans that bark a lot need to be managed.
Health problems
The Tibetan Terrier can be susceptible to fleas, and can be prone to progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) and hip dysplasia.
This breed has a lot of energy so should have a lot of opportunities to run around.
This breed should be brushed every few days to remove loose hair and prevent tangles. It should also be given weekly baths.
Living Environment
A small yard is all a Tibetan Terrier needs to stay well-exercised. Apartment living is okay.
Fun Fact
This is an ancient breed that has helped develop other Tibetan breeds including the Shih Tzu and Lhasa Apso.