Welsh Terrier
Kid Friendly
High Energy
Single Dog Home
Easy to Train
Breed Snapshot:
- Weight: 9-10 kgs
- Height: 38-39 cms
- Breed size: Medium
- Lifespan: 12-15 yrs
- Dog Breed Group: Terrier
- Coat Type: Wiry and dense
Almost a small version of the Airedale Terrier, the Welsh Terrier has a dense wiry outer coat with busy eyebrows, moustache and beard, and a soft undercoat. Coats normally come in black, tan and grizzle. Puppies are born black and lighten as they get older.
Active, happy, smart and affectionate, the Welsh Terrier is patient with children and best suited for an active family. It needs plenty of exercise, leadership and training.
Health problems
This breed can be prone to eye problems and skin irritations.
The Welsh Terrier has abounding energy and daily walks are essential. It also likes to play fetch with a ball and run around off the leash.
Depending on its condition, the coat should be plucked two or more times a year. Brush the coat a couple of times a week. This breed sheds little to no hair.
Living conditions
Apartment life is okay if the dog gets enough daily exercise. It is very active inside.
The Welsh Terrier was originally bred for its hunting abilities.