Yorkshire Terrier
Low Shedding
Apartment Friendly
Easy to Train
Kid Friendly
Good for First Time Owners
Breed Snapshot
- Weight: 2-3kg
- Height: 15-23cm
- Breed size: Toy
- Lifespan: 11-15 years
- Dog breed group: Toy dog
- Shed level: Low
There is so much hair on the top of a Yorkshire Terrier's head that it's almost essential to tie it back with a ribbon just to keep it out of its food. Some people keep it trimmed back. Coats are long, fine and glossy and fall straight down either side of the body. Colours are steel blue and tan (puppies are brown-black and tan).
Despite their size, Yorkshire Terriers love adventure. Loyal, smart, loving and very energetic, this breed can become yappy and hard to house-train so be efficient when training it.
Health problems
This breed can be prone to bronchitis, eye infections and early tooth decay.
Take this active dog on a daily walk.
The topknot is usually tied back with a ribbon. The long coat needs regular brushing and teeth regularly professionally cleaned. This breed sheds little to no hair.
Living Environment
Apartment living is fine. This dog prefers warmer climates.
Did you know...
This breed was traditionally used for hunting badgers and foxes - a Yorkshire Terrier is small enough to get into their dens and burrows.